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This function models Janoschek's growth curve [19] given the real input x and the specifying real inputs b, l, k, d
. The formula for the real output y is:
y := 1 - (l - b) * exp(-k * x ^ d);
Functions.janoschek(x, b, l, k, d);
BusinessSimulation.Functions.janoschek(2, b = 0, l = 2, k = 2, d = 1); // 1.963369
JanoschekPositive, JanoschekNegative
function janoschek extends BusinessSimulation.Icons.Function; input Real x "x-Value"; input Real b "Lower asymptote"; input Real l "Upper asymptote"; input Real k "Growth rate"; input Real d "Control of abscissa for the point of inflection"; output Real y; end janoschek;
Inline = true
in v2.1.0.