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The output res is an index value for the ordered (either ascending or descending) list xVals so that for any x with min(xVals) <= max(xVals)
the condition xVals[res] <= x <= xVals[res+1]
Functions.locate(x, {x1, x2, x3, ... xn});
The implementation closely follows that given in Press et al. [26, pp. 114f.]
locate(1.9, {0,1,2,3,4}); // 2 locate(2.5, {3,2,1,0}); // 1
encapsulated function locate import BusinessSimulation.Icons.Function; import BusinessSimulation.Functions.bitShiftRight; extends Function; input Real x "Value to locate in a list"; input Real[:] xVals "Ordered list of values"; output Integer res "Index for the list so that xVals[res] <= x <= xVals[res+1]"; end locate;