Name | Description |
FlangeVLE | A summary of flange flow properties |
FluidVLE_L2 | A record for basic VLE fluid data from L2-type models |
FluidVLE_L34 | A record for basic VLE fluid data from L3 and L4-type models |
FlangeGas | A summary record for gas flanges |
IComBase_L2 | Basic internal communication record |
IComGas_L2 | Basic internal communication record for heat transfer |
IComVLE_L2 | Basic internal communication record for heat transfer |
IComBase_L3 | |
IComGas_L3 | |
IComVLE_L3 | |
IComVLE_L3_NPort | |
IComVLE_L3_OnePort | |
StaCyFlangeVLE | A summary of flange flow properties for StaCy components |
StaCyFlangeGas | A summary record for gas flanges |
StaCyFlangeFuel | A summary record for fuel flanges |
IComFuel_L2 | Basic internal communication record for heat transfer |
StaCyFlangeVLE_a | Additional content for StaCy flange summaries |
StaticMeasurementValue | Sums up important values of a measurement |
StaCyFlangeGas_a | Additional content for StaCy flange summaries |