Name | Description |
Fundamentals | Fundamentals for the block package, containing the random package from Peter Fristzson's book |
Check | |
LimPID | P, PI, PD, and PID controller with limited output, anti-windup compensation and delayed, smooth activation |
Convert2StateDiscrete | Converts a flaoting value to a discrete one. Value is changed when a certain threshold is violated |
TrackThreshold | A state based threshold observation with one possible switch |
Integrator | Output the integral of the input signal - variable Integrator time constant |
TimeExtrema | Calculates the minimum and maximum value in a given period of time |
SlidingMean | Sliding mean value |
Noise | Adds a normally distributed noise to a given mean value |
DummyValue | A dummy connection for Real inputs |
VarGain | Output the product of a variable gain value with the input signal |
StepSmootherGain | Smoothly activate and deactivate a Real signal |
DerivativeClaRa | Derivative block ( can be adjusted to behave as ideal or approximated) |
FirstOrderClaRa | First order transfer function block (= 1 pole, allows Tau = 0) |
VariableGradientLimiter | Limit the range of a signal with variable limits |
RealInputMultiplyer | Distributes a single real input into N real outputs having the same value |
TableGain | Table based gain |
ReadMatrixFromFile | Read a 2D matrix from file || *.csv and *.mat(-v4) are supported |
RecalculateComposition | Recalculates composition based on one changed species |