ARENALib package can be used to develop new models following the process-oriented approach.
In the process-oriented approach the system is represented from the point of view of the entities.
They are created, flow through the system, are processed using the available resources, and at the end are disposed.
The system is represented using a flowchart diagram that describes the possible flows of entities in the system.
Also, depending on the experiment to be performed with the model, it has to be configured including experimental data.
ARENALib models are composed of two parts: the flowchart diagram and the data modules.
The flowchart diagram represents the possible flows of entities through the system. It can be composed using the flowchart modules.
The data modules represent the static information of the system, that corresponds to a particular experiment to be performed with the model.
The components of ARENALib have been developed as coupled Parallel DEVS models and constructed using the components of the SIMANLib library.
In ARENALib, flowchart and data modules are arranged into the BasicProcess package.
The package has been divided in two parts, the user part and the source/developer part.
The user part contains the required components to develop new process-oriented models. It is composed of:
The source/developer part (SRC package) contains the core source packages and models of the package. It includes the interfaces for event communication, functions, data structures, basic DEVS models and components.
This guide is organized in two sections.
The first section, called Model Construction, describes the process to construct a new discrete-event model using ARENALib.
The second section, called Hybrid Model Development, describes the modeling functionalities included in ARENALib for constructing hybrid models.
[1] W. D. Kelton, R. P. Sadowski and D. T. Sturrock. Simulation with Arena (4th ed.). McGraw-Hill, New York, NY, USA, 2007.
Name | Description |
Model Construction | |
Hybrid Model Development |