Reinitializes the state of the RngStream g to the initial state of the stream.
for i in 1:3 loop (u[i],g) := CMRG.RandU01(g); end for; g := CMRG.ResetNextSubstream(g); for i in 4:6 loop (u[i],g) := CMRG.RandU01(g); end for; g := CMRG.ResetStartStream(g); for i in 7:9 loop (u[i],g) := CMRG.RandU01(g); end for; // u = {0.463941,0.733693,0.00275546, 0.196378,0.218283,0.34092, 0.463941,0.733693,0.00275546}
function ResetStartStream input RngStream g "RngStream"; output RngStream gout "Updated RngStream"; end ResetStartStream;