Switch-off models
Name | Description |
SwitchOffDCLine | Switch-off signal for a DC line |
SwitchOffGenerator | Switch-off model for a generator |
SwitchOffIdealSwitch | Switch-off signal for an ideal switch |
SwitchOffInjector | Switch-off model for an injector |
SwitchOffLine | Switch-off signal for a line |
SwitchOffLoad | Switch-off model for a load |
SwitchOffLogic | Manage switch-off logic |
SwitchOffLogicSide1 | Manage switch-off logic for side 1 of a quadripole |
SwitchOffLogicSide2 | Manage switch-off logic for side 2 of a quadripole |
SwitchOffProtection | Switch-off signal for a protection |
SwitchOffShunt | Switch-off model for a shunt |
SwitchOffTapChangerPhaseShifter | Switch-off model for a tap-changer or a phase-shifter |
SwitchOffTransformer | Switch-off signal for a transformer |