Name | Description |
BaseClasses | Base models of controls for transformers |
BaseClasses_INIT | Base initialization models of controls for transformers |
TapChanger | Tap-changer monitoring the voltage so that it remains within [UTarget - UDeadBand ; UTarget + UDeadBand] |
TapChanger_INIT | Initialisation model for standalone tap-changer |
TapChangerWithTransformer_INIT | Initialisation model for tap-changer used with a transformer |
PhaseShifterP | Phase-shifter monitoring the active power so that it remains within [PTarget - PDeadBand ; PTarget + PDeadBand] |
PhaseShifterP_INIT | Initialisation model for a phase-shifter monitoring the active power |
PhaseShifterI | Phase-shifter monitoring the current so that it remains under iMax |
PhaseShifterI_INIT | Initialisation model for a phase-shifter monitoring the current |