Gives the maximum output torque as a function of the input speed.
There are two possibilities dependig on the value of limitsOnFile.
If limitsOnFile=false
When w<wMax the output is tauMax if tauMax*w<powMax, otherwise it is powMax/w
But if w is larger than powMax tauMax is rapidly falling to zero (reaches zero when speed overcomes wMax by 10%).
If limitsOnFile=true
maximum and minimum torques are taken from a txt file. Default interpaltion is with ontinuous derivative. No maxmimum speed is considered.
Torques and powers are in SI units
The simulation shows that up to 12 s and above 40s we are below baseSpeed and actual torque limit is maxTau; between 12 and 40s, we are under power limitation.
Suggested plots:
- OneFlange.variableLimter.limit1 with oneFlange.torque.tau, oneFlange.limTau.baseSpeed
- oneFlange.limTau.state
- oneflange.wMax and inertia.w.