Name | Description |
InertiaTq | Inertia with added torque |
EfficiencyCT | Determines the electric power from the mechanical from a Combi-Table efficiency map |
EfficiencyLF | Determines the electric power from the mechanical freom a Loss-formula efficiency |
ComputeEffFromPu | adds drive losses function of W/Wmax and T/Tmax |
ConstPg | Constant Power DC Load |
Pel | Outputs a power signal computed from the given efficiency and input power |
LimTorque | Defines torque limits based on values from a CombiTable |
LimTorqueFV | Defines torque limits based on fixed max values of torque and power |
CombiTable1Factor | CombiTable 1Ds, with input and output factors |
CombiTable2Factor | CombiTable 2Ds, with input and output factors |