

Generic external two phase medium package


 molarMassReturn the molar mass of the medium
 setState_phReturn thermodynamic state record from p and h
 setState_pTReturn thermodynamic state record from p and T
 setState_pT_noErrReturn thermodynamic state record from p and T - does not use workaround to handle ModelicaError
 setState_dTReturn thermodynamic state record from d and T
 setState_psReturn thermodynamic state record from p and s
 setState_hsReturn thermodynamic state record from h and s
 partialDeriv_stateReturn partial derivative from a thermodynamic state record
 density_phReturn density from p and h
 density_ph_statereturns density for given p and h
 density_ph_derTotal derivative of density_ph
 temperature_phReturn temperature from p and h
 temperature_ph_statereturns temperature for given p and h
 specificEntropy_phReturn specific entropy from p and h
 specificEntropy_ph_statereturns specific entropy for a given p and h
 specificEntropy_ph_dertime derivative of specificEntropy_ph
 density_pTReturn density from p and T
 density_pT_derTotal derivative of density_pT
 specificEnthalpy_pTReturn specific enthalpy from p and T
 specificEnthalpy_pT_noErrReturn specific enthalpy from p and T - doesn't use workaround for ModelicaError
 specificEnthalpy_pT_statereturns specific enthalpy for given p and T
 specificEntropy_pTreturns specific entropy for a given p and T
 specificEntropy_pT_statereturns specific entropy for a given p and T
 pressure_dTReturn pressure from d and T
 specificEnthalpy_dTReturn specific enthalpy from d and T
 specificEntropy_dTreturns specific entropy for a given d and T
 specificEntropy_dT_statereturns specific entropy for a given d and T
 density_psReturn density from p and s
 density_ps_stateReturn density from p and s
 density_ps_derTotal derivative of density_ps
 temperature_psReturn temperature from p and s
 temperature_ps_statereturns temperature for given p and s
 specificEnthalpy_psReturn specific enthalpy from p and s
 specificEnthalpy_ps_stateReturn enthalpy from p and s
 density_hsReturn density for given h and s
 density_hs_stateReturn density for given h and s
 pressure_hsReturn pressure from h and s
 pressure_hs_stateReturn pressure for given h and s
 temperature_hsReturn temperature from h and s
 temperature_hs_stateReturn temperature for given h and s
 prandtlNumberReturns Prandtl number
 temperatureReturn temperature from state
 velocityOfSoundReturn velocity of sound from state
 isobaricExpansionCoefficientReturn isobaric expansion coefficient from state
 isentropicExponentReturn isentropic exponent
 specificHeatCapacityCpReturn specific heat capacity cp from state
 specificHeatCapacityCvReturn specific heat capacity cv from state
 densityReturn density from state
 density_derh_pReturn derivative of density wrt enthalpy at constant pressure from state
 density_derp_hReturn derivative of density wrt pressure at constant enthalpy from state
 dynamicViscosityReturn dynamic viscosity from state
 specificEnthalpyReturn specific enthalpy from state
 specificInternalEnergyReturns specific internal energy
 isothermalCompressibilityReturn isothermal compressibility from state
 thermalConductivityReturn thermal conductivity from state
 pressureReturn pressure from state
 specificEntropyReturn specific entropy from state
 setSat_pReturn saturation properties from p
 setSat_p_stateReturn saturation properties from the state
 setSat_TReturn saturation properties from p
 setSat_T_stateReturn saturation properties from the state
 setBubbleStateset the thermodynamic state on the bubble line
 setDewStateset the thermodynamic state on the dew line
 saturationTemperature_derpReturns derivative of saturation temperature w.r.t.. pressureBeing this function inefficient, it is strongly recommended to use saturationTemperature_derp_sat and never use saturationTemperature_derp directly
 saturationTemperature_derp_satReturns derivative of saturation temperature w.r.t.. pressure
 dBubbleDensity_dPressureReturns bubble point density derivative
 dDewDensity_dPressureReturns dew point density derivative
 dBubbleEnthalpy_dPressureReturns bubble point specific enthalpy derivative
 dDewEnthalpy_dPressureReturns dew point specific enthalpy derivative
 bubbleDensityReturns bubble point density
 dewDensityReturns dew point density
 bubbleEnthalpyReturns bubble point specific enthalpy
 dewEnthalpyReturns dew point specific enthalpy
 saturationPressure_derReturn saturation pressure time derivative
 surfaceTensionReturns surface tension sigma in the two phase region
 bubbleEntropyReturns bubble point specific entropy
 dewEntropyReturns dew point specific entropy

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