Thermal independity describes the extent to which an exchange of thermal energy between species causes or requires a temperature difference.
This function is based on the kinetic theory of gases under the following assumptions [Present1958]:
Also, it is assumed that the Einstein relation applies.
function nu extends Modelica.Icons.Function; input Q.TemperatureAbsolute T = 298.15*U.K "Temperature" annotation( Dialog(__Dymola_label = "<html><i>T</i></html>")); input Q.VolumeSpecific v = 298.15*U.K/p0 "Specific volume" annotation( Dialog(__Dymola_label = "<html><i>v</i></html>")); output Q.TimeAbsolute nu "Thermal independity" annotation( Dialog(__Dymola_label = "<html>ν</html>")); end nu;