

This model represents the anode catalyst layer of a PEMFC. The x axis extends from the anode to the cathode. By default, the cross-sectional area in the yz plane is 50 cm2.

The default thickness (Lx = {28.7*U.um}) is from [Gurau1998]. The default thermal conductivity of the carbon (θ = U.m*U.K/(1.18*U.W)) represents a compressed SGL Sigracet 10 BA gas diffusion layer [Nitta2008]. The default electronic conductivity (σ = 40*U.S/(12*U.cm)) is for SGL Carbon Group Sigracet® 10 BA (see AnGDLs.Sigracet10BA).

Default assumptions (may be adjusted):

  1. All of the species have the same temperature, even in different phases.
  2. Half of the solid is graphite and half is ionomer (by volume).

For more information, please see the Region model.

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