

This library (FCSys) is described in

  1. K. L. Davies, Declarative Modeling of Coupled Advective and Diffusive Processes as Applied to Fuel Cells, Ph.D. dissertation, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2014.

These papers describe work leading up to it (most recent first):

  1. K. L. Davies, C. L. Haynes, and C. J. Paredis, "Library for First-Principle Models of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells in Modelica," in Modelica Conference (Munich, Germany), Modelica Assoc., Sep. 2012.
  2. K. L. Davies, "Natural Unit Representation in Modelica," in Modelica Conference (Munich, Germany), Modelica Assoc., Sep. 2012 (poster).
  3. K. L. Davies, C. L. Haynes, and C. J. Paredis, "Modeling Reaction and Diffusion Processes of Fuel Cells within Modelica," in Modelica Conference (Como, Italy), Modelica Assoc., Sep. 2009.
  4. K. L. Davies, R. M. Moore, and G. Bender, "Model Library of Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells for System Hardware and Control Design," in Modelica Conference (Como, Italy), Modelica Assoc., Sep. 2009.
  5. K. L. Davies and R. M. Moore, "Object-Oriented Fuel Cell Model Library," Electrochem. Soc. T., vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 797–808, 2007.

The external references, which are cited throughout FCSys, are listed as entries in this package.


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