

By definition, the partial derivative of this function with respect to x (with a constant) is f(). The complete derivative, however, is dF().


function F
  extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
  input Real x "Argument" annotation(
    Dialog(__Dymola_label = "<html><i>x</i></html>"));
  input Real a[:] "Coefficients" annotation(
    Dialog(__Dymola_label = "<html><i>a</i></html>"));
  input Integer n = 0 "Power associated with the first term (before integral)" annotation(
    Dialog(__Dymola_label = "<html><i>n</i></html>"));
  output Real F "Integral" annotation(
    Dialog(__Dymola_label = "<html><i>F</i></html>"));
end F;

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