Name | Description |
Water1 | alias for TMedia water |
WaterS | |
Air2 | |
N2 | |
R134a1 | |
MarlothermSH | |
ValveWaterTest1 | Very simple model using external connectors for flow |
ValveAirTest1 | |
SafetyValveLeser7_5_10_3 | example from Leser handbook, critical flow saturated steam, solved by direct isentropic flow calculation |
SafetyValveStdLeser7_5_10_3 | example from Leser handbook, critical flow saturated steam, solved by standard calculation |
SafetyValveStdTest7_5_10_6 | example from Leser handbook, viscous glycerine flow, solved by standard calculation |
SafetyValveStdAPI1 | example from API standard 520, critical flow |
SafetyValveStdAPI2 | example from API standard 520, subcritical flow |
SafetyValveStdAPI5 | example from API standard 520 5.8.2 (crude oil), liquid flow |
SafetyValveTest1 | Example of flashing water using direct isentropic flow calculation. |
SafetyValveFlashTest1 | example of flashing water using API Annex C 2.2.1 methodology |
SafetyValveFlashTest1TMedia | example of flashing water using API Annex C 2.2.1 methodology |
SafetyValveOmegaTest1 | example of flashing water using API Annex C 2.2.2 methodology |
SafetyValveFlashTest2 | example of flashing water using API Annex C 2.2.3 methodology |
SafetyValveOmegaTest2 | example of flashing water,low subcooling, critical, using API Annex C 2.2.3 methodology |
SafetyValveOmegaC222 | Example C.2.2.2(crude oil) from API RP520 Annex C, biphasic inlet |
SafetyValveOmegaC223 | Example C.2.2.3(Propane) from API standard 520 Annex C, liquid inlet |
SVPlusPipeSteam | example from Leser handbook, critical flow saturated steam, solved by direct isentropic flow calculation |
PresureReliefAir | |