

It contains the equations for tracking the liquid and gas mass contained in the vessel and their thermodynamic properties, considering a complete mixing situation.
Declares inlet-outlet ports, for both gas and liquid.
The mass and enthalpy of the liquid and gas phases are calculated separately. For the mass the restriction that both phases must fill the vessel volume is introduced.
For enthalpy, the parameter lgConductance governs the enthalpy transfer between the two phases.
The model is initialized at initialLiquidMass, initialGasMass, initialP and initialT. In fact, initialT is just used in the calculation of initialLiquidEnthalpy, and initialGasEnthalpy.
InitialLiquidMass and initalGasMass are calculated from initialLiquidVolume and vesselVolume.
As the vessel volume can be unknown you can run the model with a vessel volume higher than the initialLiquidVolume, read the vessel volume from the result of the simulation, and run again the model with the real vessel volume.


 MediumLliquid medium in the vessel
 MediumGgas medium in the vessel

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