This package contains examples for the use of models that can be found in IBPSA.Utilities.Math.
Name | Description |
Average | Test model for average function |
BesselJ0 | Test model for besselJ0 function |
BesselJ1 | Test model for besselJ1 function |
BesselY0 | Test model for besselY0 function |
BesselY1 | Test model for besselY1 function |
Bicubic | Test model for bicubic function |
Binomial | Test model for binomial function |
Biquadratic | Test model for biquadratic function |
BooleanReplicator | Test model for boolean replicator |
ExponentialIntegralE1 | Test model for exponentialIntegralE1 function |
Factorial | Test model for factorial function |
FallingFactorial | Test model for falling factorial function |
IntegerReplicator | Test model for integer replicator |
IntegratorWithReset | Test model for integrator with reset |
InverseXRegularized | Test model for inverseXRegularized function |
Polynominal | Test model for ploynominal function |
PowerLinearized | Test model for powerLinearized function |
QuadraticLinear | Test model for quadraticLinear function |
RegNonZeroPower | Test model for regNonZeroPower function |
SmoothBlocks | Test model for smooth min and smooth max functions |
SmoothExponential | Test model for smoothExponential function |
SmoothHeaviside | Test model for smoothHeavisidefunction |
SmoothLimit | Test model for smooth limit |
SmoothMin | Test model for smooth minimum |
Splice | Test model for splice |
VectorFunctions | Test model for functions that take a vector as argument |