

This package contains blocks and functions for commonly used mathematical operations. The classes in this package augment the classes Modelica.Blocks.


AverageAverage of a vector
BesselJ0Bessel function of the first kind of order 0, J0
BesselJ1Bessel function of the first kind of order 1, J1
BesselY0Bessel function of the second kind of order 0, Y0
BesselY1Bessel function of the second kind of order 1, Y1
BicubicBicubic function
BinomialBinomial function
BiquadraticBiquadratic function
BooleanReplicatorBoolean signal replicator
ExponentialIntegralE1Exponential integral function, E1
FactorialFactorial function
FallingFactorialFalling factorial function
IntegerReplicatorInteger signal replicator
IntegratorWithResetOutput the integral of the input signal
InverseXRegularizedFunction that approximates 1/x by a twice continuously differentiable function
MaxMaximum element of a vector
MinMinimum element of a vector
PolynominalPolynominal function
PowerLinearizedPower function that is linearized below a user-defined threshold
QuadraticLinearFunction that is quadratic in first argument and linear in second argument
RegNonZeroPowerPower function, regularized near zero, but nonzero value for x=0
SmoothExponentialOnce continuously differentiable approximation to exp(-|x|) in interval |x| < delta
SmoothHeavisideOnce continuously differentiable approximation to the Heaviside function
SmoothLimitOnce continuously differentiable approximation to the limit function
SmoothMaxOnce continuously differentiable approximation to the maximum function
SmoothMinOnce continuously differentiable approximation to the minimum function
SpliceBlock for splice function opertation
TrapezoidalIntegrationIntegration using the trapezoidal rule
FunctionsPackage with mathematical functions
ExamplesCollection of models that illustrate model use and test models

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