
Package with mathematical functions


This package contains functions for commonly used mathematical operations. The functions are used in the blocks IBPSA.Utilities.Math.


 averageAverage of a vector
 besselJ0Bessel function of the first kind of order 0, J0
 besselJ1Bessel function of the first kind of order 1, J1
 besselY0Bessel function of the second kind of order 0, Y0
 besselY1Bessel function of the second kind of order 1, Y1
 bicubicBicubic function
 binomialReturns the binomial coefficient
 biquadraticBiquadratic function
 booleanReplicatorReplicates Boolean signals
 cubicHermiteLinearExtrapolationInterpolate using a cubic Hermite spline with linear extrapolation
 exponentialIntegralE1Exponential integral, E1
 factorialReturns the value n! as an integer
 fallingFactorialReturns the k-th falling factorial of n
 integerReplicatorReplicates integer signals
 inverseXRegularizedFunction that approximates 1/x by a twice continuously differentiable function
 isMonotonicReturns true if the argument is a monotonic sequence
 polynomialPolynomial function
 powerLinearizedPower function that is linearized below a user-defined threshold
 quadraticLinearFunction that is quadratic in first argument and linear in second argument
 quinticHermiteQuintic Hermite spline function for interpolation between two functions with a continuous second derivative
 regNonZeroPowerPower function, regularized near zero, but nonzero value for x=0
 regStepApproximation of a general step, such that the approximation is continuous and differentiable
 smoothExponentialOnce continuously differentiable approximation to exp(-|x|) in interval |x| < delta
 smoothHeavisideOnce continuously differentiable approximation to the Heaviside function
 smoothLimitOnce continuously differentiable approximation to the limit function
 smoothMaxOnce continuously differentiable approximation to the maximum function
 smoothMinOnce continuously differentiable approximation to the minimum function
 splineDerivativesFunction to compute the derivatives for cubic hermite spline interpolation
 trapezoidalIntegrationIntegration using the trapezoidal rule
 ExamplesCollection of models that illustrate model use and test models
 BaseClassesPackage with base classes for IBPSA.Utilities.Math.Functions

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