

This function returns the value on a cubic hermite spline through the given support points and provided spline derivatives at these points with monotonically increasing values. The last 2 points in the table are linearly interpolated.

A similar model is also used in the CONTAM software (Dols and Walton, 2015).

This function is used in IDEAS.Airflow.Multizone.Table_m_flow and IDEAS.Airflow.Multizone.Table_V_flow



function interpolate
  extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
  input Real u "Independent variable";
  input Real[:] xd "X-axis support points";
  input Real[size(xd, 1)] yd "Y-axis support points";
  input Real[size(xd, 1)] d(each fixed = false) "Derivatives at the support points";
  output Real z "Dependent variable with monotone interpolation";
end interpolate;


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