This package contains base classes that are used to construct the models in IDEAS.Fluid.Actuators.
Name | Description |
ActuatorSignal | Partial model that implements the filtered opening for valves and dampers |
PartialDamperExponential | Partial model for air dampers with exponential opening characteristics |
PartialThreeWayValve | Partial three way valve |
PartialTwoWayValve | Partial model for a two way valve |
PartialTwoWayValveKv | Partial model for a two way valve using a Kv characteristic |
ValveParameters | Model with parameters for valves |
der_equalPercentage | Derivative of valve opening characteristics for equal percentage valve |
equalPercentage | Valve opening characteristics for equal percentage valve |
exponentialDamper | Damper opening characteristics for an exponential damper |
Examples | Collection of models that illustrate model use and test models |