This package contains base classes that are used to construct the models in IDEAS.Fluid.HeatExchangers.
Name | Description |
HACoilInside | Calculates the hA value for water inside a coil |
HADryCoil | Sensible convective heat transfer model for air to water coil |
HANaturalCylinder | Calculates an hA value for natural convection around a cylinder |
PartialEffectiveness | Partial model to implement heat exchangers based on effectiveness model |
PartialEffectivenessNTU | Partial model for heat exchanger with effectiveness - NTU relation and no moisture condensation |
PartialPrescribedOutlet | Ideal heater, cooler, humidifier or dehumidifier with prescribed outlet conditions |
WetCoilDryRegime | Fully dry coil model |
WetCoilDryWetRegime | Model implementing the switching algorithm of the TK-fuzzy model for cooling coil application |
WetCoilUARated | Model that calculates the UA-value from cooling coil data at rated conditions. |
WetCoilWetRegime | Fully wet coil model using function |
determineWaterIndex | Determine the index of water in a 2-component medium model |
dynamicViscosityWater | Returns the dynamic viscosity for water |
epsilon_C | Computes heat exchanger effectiveness for given capacity flow rates and heat exchanger flow regime |
epsilon_ntuZ | Computes heat exchanger effectiveness for given number of transfer units and heat exchanger flow regime |
isobaricExpansionCoefficientWater | Returns the isobaric expansion coefficient for water |
lmtd | Log-mean temperature difference |
ntu_epsilonZ | Computes number of transfer units for given heat exchanger effectiveness and heat exchanger flow regime |
prandtlNumberWater | Returns the Prandtl number for water |
Examples | Collection of models that illustrate model use and test models |