Name | Description |
ConstantEffectiveness | Heat exchanger with constant effectiveness |
DryCoilEffectivenessNTU | Heat exchanger with effectiveness - NTU relation and no moisture condensation |
EvaporatorCondenser | Evaporator or condenser with refrigerant experiencing constant temperature phase change |
HeaterCooler_u | Heater or cooler with prescribed heat flow rate |
Heater_T | Heater with prescribed outlet temperature |
IndirectEvaporativeHex | Indirect evaporative heat exchanger |
PrescribedOutlet | Ideal heater, cooler, humidifier or dehumidifier with prescribed outlet conditions |
SensibleCooler_T | Sensible cooling device with prescribed outlet temperature |
WetCoilEffectivenessNTU | Heat exchanger with effectiveness - NTU relation and with moisture condensation |
ActiveBeams | Package with active beams |
RadiantSlab | |
Radiators | Package with radiators models for hydronic space heating systems |
Examples | Collection of models that illustrate model use and test models |
Validation | Collection of models that validate the heat exchanger models |
Interfaces | |
BaseClasses | Package with base classes for IDEAS.Fluid.HeatExchangers |