

Version 2.2.1 is backward compatible to version 2.2.

In this version, no new libraries have been added. The following major improvements have been made:

The following new components have been added to existing libraries:

PID_Controller Example to demonstrate the usage of the Blocks.Continuous.LimPID block.
UnitConversions.* New package that provides blocks for unit conversions. UnitConversions.ConvertAllBlocks allows to select all available conversions from a menu.
SM_ElectricalExcitedDamperCage Electrical excited synchronous machine with damper cage
ElectricalExcitation Electrical excitation for electrical excited synchronous induction machines
DamperCage Unsymmetrical damper cage for electrical excited synchronous induction machines. At least the user has to specify the dampers resistance and stray inductance in d-axis; if he omits the parameters of the q-axis, the same values as for the d.axis are used, assuming a symmetrical damper.
SMEE_Gen Test example 7: ElectricalExcitedSynchronousMachine as Generator
Utilities.TerminalBox Terminal box for three-phase induction machines to choose either star (wye) ? or delta ? connection
equalityLeastSquares Solve a linear equality constrained least squares problem:
min|A*x-a|^2 subject to B*x=b
Parts.PointMass Point mass, i.e., body where inertia tensor is neglected.
Interfaces.FlangeWithBearing Connector consisting of 1-dim. rotational flange and its 3-dim. bearing frame.
Interfaces.FlangeWithBearingAdaptor Adaptor to allow direct connections to the sub-connectors of FlangeWithBearing.
Types.SpecularCoefficient New type to define a specular coefficient.
Types.ShapeExtra New type to define the extra data for visual shape objects and to have a central place for the documentation of this data.
PointGravityWithPointMasses Example of two point masses in a central gravity field.
UsersGuide A User's Guide has been added by using the documentation previously present in the package documentation of Rotational.
Sensors.PowerSensor New component to measure the energy flow between two connectors of the Rotational library.
Speed New component to move a translational flange according to a reference speed
specificEnthalpy_pTX New function to compute specific enthalpy from pressure, temperature and mass fractions.
temperature_phX New function to compute temperature from pressure, specific enthalpy, and mass fractions.
SignalBus Icon for signal bus
SignalSubBus Icon for signal sub-bus
UsersGuide A User's Guide has been added that describes unit handling.
Attribute 'min=0' removed from these types.
Components.Valve Simple controlled valve with either linear or exponential characteristic.
Sources. IdealPump Simple ideal pump (resp. fan) dependent on the shaft's speed; pressure increase versus volume flow is defined as a linear function. Torque * Speed = Pressure increase * Volume flow (without losses).
Examples.PumpAndValve Test example for valves.
Examples.PumpDropOut Drop out of 1 pump to test behavior of semiLinear.
Examples.ParallelPumpDropOut Drop out of 2 parallel pumps to test behavior of semiLinear.
Examples.OneMass Cooling of 1 hot mass to test behavior of semiLinear.
Examples.TwoMass Cooling of 2 hot masses to test behavior of semiLinear.

The following components have been improved:

UsersGuide User's Guide and package description of Modelica Standard Library improved.
When dragging one of these connectors the width and height is a factor of 2 larger as a standard icon. Previously, these connectors have been dragged and then manually enlarged by a factor of 2 in the Modelica standard library.
Continuous.* Initialization options added to all blocks (NoInit, SteadyState, InitialState, InitialOutput). New parameter limitsAtInit to switch off the limits of LimIntegrator or LimPID during initialization
Continuous.LimPID Option to select P, PI, PD, PID controller. Documentation significantly improved.
New parameter limitsAtInit/deadZoneAtInit to switch off the limits or the dead zone during initialization
Sources Icon improved (+/- added to voltage sources, arrow added to current sources).
Diode smooth() operator included to improve numerics.
The user can choose "DamperCage = false" (default: true) to remove all equations for the damper cage from the model.
IM_SlipRing Easier parameterization: if the user selects "useTurnsRatio = false" (default: true, this is the same behavior as before), parameter TurnsRatio is calculated internally from Nominal stator voltage and Locked-rotor voltage.
leastSquares The A matrix in the least squares problem might be rank deficient. Previously, it was required that A has full rank.
all models
  • All components with animation information have a new variable specularCoefficient to define the reflection of ambient light. The default value is world.defaultSpecularCoefficient which has a default of 0.7. By changing world.defaultSpecularCoefficient, the specularCoefficient of all components is changed that are not explicitly set differently. Since specularCoefficient is a variable (and no parameter), it can be changed during simulation. Since annotation(Dialog) is set, this variable still appears in the parameter menus.
    Previously, a constant specularCoefficient of 0.7 was used for all components.
  • Variable color of all components is no longer a parameter but an input variable. Also all parameters in package Visualizers, with the exception of shapeType are no longer parameters but defined as input variables with annotation(Dialog). As a result, all these variables appear still in parameter menus, but they can be changed during simulation (e.g., color might be used to display the temperature of a part).
  • All menus have been changed to follow the Modelica 2.2 annotations "Dialog, group, tab, enable" (previously, a non-standard Dymola definition for menus was used). Also, the "enable" annotation is used in all menus to disable input fields if the input would be ignored.
  • All visual shapes are now defined with conditional declarations (to remove them, if animation is switched off). Previously, these (protected) objects have been defined by arrays with dimension 0 or 1.
Frames.resolveRelative The derivative of this function added as function and defined via an annotation. In certain situations, tools had previously difficulties to differentiate the inlined function automatically.
Forces.* The scaling factors N_to_m and Nm_to_m have no longer a default value of 1000 but a default value of world.defaultN_to_m (=1000) and world.defaultNm_to_m (=1000). This allows to change the scaling factors for all forces and torques in the world object.
The Frame connectors are now centered around the origin to ease the usage. The shape was changed, such that the icon is a factor of 1.6 larger as a standard icon (previously, the icon had a standard size when dragged and then the icon was manually enlarged by a factor of 1.5 in the y-direction in the MultiBody library; the height of 16 allows easy positioning on the standard grid size of 2). The double line width of the border in icon and diagram layer was changed to a single line width and when making a connection the connection line is dark grey and no longer black which looks better.
Joints.Assemblies.* When dragging an assembly joint, the icon is a factor of 2 larger as a standard icon. Icon texts and connectors have a standard size in this enlarged icon (and are not a factor of 2 larger as previously).
Types.* All types have a corresponding icon now to visualize the content in the package browser (previously, the types did not have an icon).
Inertia Initialization and state selection added.
SpringDamper Initialization and state selection added.
Move New implementation based solely on Modelica 2.2 language (previously, the Dymola specific constrain(..) function was used).
Move New implementation based solely on Modelica 2.2 language (previously, the Dymola specific constrain(..) function was used).
SimpleFriction Calculates friction losses from pressure drop and volume flow.
Added geodetic height as a source of pressure change; feeds friction losses as calculated by simple friction to the energy balance of the medium.
HCRIT0Critical specific enthalpy of the fundamental equation (base formulation of the fluid medium model).
SCRIT0Critical specific entropy of the fundamental equation (base formulation of the fluid medium model).
deltahEnthalpy offset (default: 0) between the specific enthalpy of the fluid model and the user-visible specific enthalpy in the model: deltah = h_model - h_fundamentalEquation.
deltasEntropy offset (default: 0) between the specific entropy of the fluid model and the user-visible specific entropy in the model: deltas = s_model - s_fundamentalEquation.
T_defaultDefault value for temperature of medium (for initialization)
h_defaultDefault value for specific enthalpy of medium (for initialization)
p_defaultDefault value for pressure of medium (for initialization)
X_defaultDefault value for mass fractions of medium (for initialization)

The following errors have been fixed:

Parameter "tableOnFile" determines now whether a table is read from file or used from parameter "table". Previously, if "fileName" was not "NoName", a table was always read from file "fileName", independently of the setting of "tableOnFile". This has been corrected.
Furthermore, the initialization of a table is now performed in a when-clause and no longer in a parameter declaration, because some tools evaluate the parameter declaration in some situation more than once and then the table is unnecessarily read several times (and occupies also more memory).
CombiTimeTable Same bug fix/improvement as for the tables from Modelica.Blocks.Tables as outlined above.
The Drain-Source-Resistance RDS had actually a resistance of RDS/v, with v=Beta*(W+dW)/(L+dL). The correct formula is without the division by "v". This has now been corrected.
This bug fix should not have an essential effect in most applications. In the default case (Beta=1e-5), the Drain-Source-Resistance was a factor of 1e5 too large and had in the default case the wrong value 1e12, although it should have the value 1e7. The effect was that this resistance had practically no effect.
dynamicViscosityLowPressure Viscosity and thermal conductivity (which needs viscosity as input) were computed wrong for polar gases and gas mixtures (i.e., if dipole moment not 0.0). This has been fixed in version 2.2.1.
readLine Depending on the C-implementation, the stream was not correctly closed. This has been corrected by adding a "Streams.close(..)" after reading the file content.

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