Package Strings contains functions to manipulate strings.
In the table below an example call to every function is given using the default options.
Function | Description |
len = length(string) | Returns length of string |
string2 = substring(string1,startIndex,endIndex) | Returns a substring defined by start and end index |
result = repeat(n) result = repeat(n,string) |
Repeat a blank or a string n times. |
result = compare(string1, string2) | Compares two substrings with regards to alphabetical order |
identical = isEqual(string1,string2) | Determine whether two strings are identical |
result = count(string,searchString) | Count the number of occurrences of a string |
index = find(string,searchString) | Find first occurrence of a string in another string |
index = findLast(string,searchString) | Find last occurrence of a string in another string |
string2 = replace(string,searchString,replaceString) | Replace one or all occurrences of a string |
stringVector2 = sort(stringVector1) | Sort vector of strings in alphabetic order |
hash = hashString(string) | Create a hash value of a string |
(token, index) = scanToken(string,startIndex) | Scan for a token (Real/Integer/Boolean/String/Identifier/Delimiter/NoToken) |
(number, index) = scanReal(string,startIndex) | Scan for a Real constant |
(number, index) = scanInteger(string,startIndex) | Scan for an Integer constant |
(boolean, index) = scanBoolean(string,startIndex) | Scan for a Boolean constant |
(string2, index) = scanString(string,startIndex) | Scan for a String constant |
(identifier, index) = scanIdentifier(string,startIndex) | Scan for an identifier |
(delimiter, index) = scanDelimiter(string,startIndex) | Scan for delimiters |
scanNoToken(string,startIndex) | Check that remaining part of string consists solely of white space or line comments ("// ...\n"). |
syntaxError(string,index,message) | Print a "syntax error message" as well as a string and the index at which scanning detected an error |
The functions "compare", "isEqual", "count", "find", "findLast", "replace", "sort" have the optional input argument caseSensitive with default true. If false, the operation is carried out without taking into account whether a character is upper or lower case.
Name | Description |
Return length of string | |
Return a substring defined by start and end index | |
Repeat a string n times | |
Compare two strings lexicographically | |
Determine whether two strings are identical | |
Return true if a string is empty (has only white space characters) | |
Count the number of non-overlapping occurrences of a string | |
Find first occurrence of a string within another string | |
Find last occurrence of a string within another string | |
Replace non-overlapping occurrences of a string from left to right | |
Sort vector of strings in alphabetic order | |
Create a hash value of a string | |
Scan for the next token and return it | |
Scan for the next Real number and trigger an assert if not present | |
Scan for the next Integer number and trigger an assert if not present | |
Scan for the next Boolean number and trigger an assert if not present | |
Scan for the next Modelica string and trigger an assert if not present | |
Scan for the next Identifier and trigger an assert if not present | |
Scan for the next delimiter and trigger an assert if not present | |
Scan string and check that it contains no more token | |
Print an error message, a string and the index at which scanning detected an error | |
Advanced scanning functions |