
Rigid body with visual shape (also used for animation)


Rigid body with two cuts and an additional shape used in animation.
All the mass and inertia properties must be supplied with respect
to the center of mass. All parameter vectors are resolved in frame_a
in [m].

  r[3]         : Position vector from the origin of frame_a to the origin of
  rCM[3]       : Position vector from the origin of frame_a to the center of
  m            : Mass of body in [kg].
  Ixy          : Elements (x,y) of the inertia tensor of the body with respect to
                 the center of mass, resolved in the inertial frame in the home
                 position in [kgm^2]. The following elements can be defined:
                 I11, I22, I33, I21, I31, I32.
                 (Move the inertial from into the center of mass by translation
                 and resolve the inertia tensor in this frame).

  Shape        : Type of visual shape. Predefined shapes are
                   Shape = "box"
                 External shapes are specified as DXF-files (only 3DFace is supported).
                 External shapes must be named "1", "2"  etc.. The corresponding definitions
                 should be in files "1.dxf", "2.dxf" etc.Since the DXF-files contain color
                 and dimensions for the individual faces, the corresponding information
                 in the model is currently ignored, but the specular coefficient is
                 utilized. The DXF-files must be found in the current directory.

  r0[3]        : Position vector from the origin of frame_a to the origin
                 of the visual object.
  LengthDirection[3]: Unit vector in direction of length (will be normalized).
  WidthDirection[3] : Unit vector in direction of width (will be normalized).
  Length       : Length of visual shape in [m].
  Width        : Width of visual shape in [m].
  Height       : Height of visual shape in direction of a vector which is
                 orthogonal to  LengthDirection  and  WidthDirection.
  Material[4]  : = {r, g, b, specular} specifies the color of the shape.
                 [r,g,b] affects the color of diffuse and ambient reflected
                 light. Specular is a coefficient defining white specular
                 reflection. What color that is reflected also depends on the
                 color of the light sources. Note, r g, b and specular are
                 given in the range 0 .. 1. Specular=1 gives a metallic appearance.
  Extra        : Additional parameter for cone and pipe.
                 "pipe"     : A hollow cylinder. Extra = InnerRadius/Radius of the cylinder.
                 "gearwheel": A ring with gear wheel teeth. Extra = number of teeth.

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