

Support for the Atmel17 AVR family of microcontrollers

As of MDD v1.5.0, only ATmega16 and ATmega328P (=Arduino Uno) are supported. The code can easily be extended, but requires checking the data sheets in order to write to the correct bits.

So far only known to work with OpenModelica's ExperimentalEmbeddedC code generation. However, in principle it should work similarly with other (low foot-print) code generators.

Translation using OpenModelica v1.12.0

OpenModelica v1.12.0 includes an experimental code generator for low footprint code. The code generator supports a subset of the Modelica language which will be extended in future versions. The current version is capable of translating the examples in the subpackages, but it is not as automated (no generation of makefiles) and it has been only tested using Linux as the host system. The basics are described in the initial AVR pull request #169, but the description below aims to be a bit more complete.

Using an Ubuntu Linux, following packages are required:

sudo apt-get install gcc-avr
sudo apt-get install avr-libc
sudo apt-get install avrdude
Create a MOS script for the Blink example

For the translation it is convenient to use the OpenModelica scripting interface and collect the commands in a MOS file, e.g., named runMDDAvr.mos:



translateModel(Modelica_DeviceDrivers.EmbeddedTargets.AVR.Examples.Arduino.UNO.Blink, fileNamePrefix="Blink");
Translate and flash Blink example

Put the runMDDAvr.mos file in a (build) directory and execute following commands on the command line:

omc --simCodeTarget=ExperimentalEmbeddedC runMDDAvr.mos

avr-gcc -Os -std=c11 -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -mmcu=atmega328p -DF_CPU=16000000UL -Wl,--gc-sections Blink_main.c -o Blink -I /path_to_MDD/Modelica_DeviceDrivers/Resources/Include -I /usr/include/omc/c

avr-objcopy -O ihex -R .eeprom Blink Blink.hex
avrdude -F -V -c arduino -p ATMEGA328P -P /dev/ttyACM0 -b 115200 -U flash:w:Blink.hex
Convenience Makefile

The steps can also be mechanized in a Makefile, e.g., the Blink example comes with a Makefile, so one can simply do:

cd /path_to_MDD/Modelica_DeviceDrivers/Resources/Scripts/OpenModelica/EmbeddedTargets/AVR/Examples/Arduino/Uno/Blink
make flash



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