This package contains example function calls to demonstrate the usage of the functions operating with the ZerosAndPoles record.
Name | Description |
analysisZerosAndPoles | Compute zeros and poles of a ZerosAndPoles transfer function |
analysisDcGain | Compute steady state gain |
conversionToStateSpace | Transform a transfer function from zeros and poles representation into a StateSpace description |
plotPolesAndZeros | Example for plotting poles and zeros of a ZerosAndPoles transfer function |
plotBode1 | Construct a ZerosAndPoles system and plot the Bode diagram with automatic determination of the frequency range to plot |
plotBode2 | Bode plot of PT2 transfer function with zero damping |
plotBode3 | Construct a ZerosAndPoles system and plot the Bode diagram with automatic determination of the frequency range to plot |
plotBodeFilter1 | Compute filter and plot frequency response of filter |
plotBodeFilter2 | Show low pass filters of all filter types |
plotBodeFilter3 | Show high pass filters of all filter types |
plotStep | Step plot example |