function frequencyVector
extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
import Modelica.Units.SI;
input Integer nPoints(min = 2) = 200 "Number of points";
input Boolean autoRange = true "True, if abszissa range is automatically determined";
input SI.Frequency f_min(min = 0) = 0.1 "Minimum frequency value, if autoRange = false" annotation(
Dialog(enable = not autoRange));
input SI.Frequency f_max(min = 0) = 10 "Maximum frequency value, if autoRange = false" annotation(
Dialog(enable = not autoRange));
input Complex numZeros[:] = fill(Complex(0), 0) "Zeros of numerator" annotation(
Dialog(enable = autoRange));
input Complex denZeros[:] = fill(Complex(0), 0) "Zeros of denominator" annotation(
Dialog(enable = autoRange));
input Boolean logX = true "=true: logarithmic scale; = false: linear scale of frequency vector";
output SI.Frequency f[nPoints] "Frequency vector (automatic or manual)";
end frequencyVector;