

Generally, the functions in this package should not be used by the user.

This package contains models, functions and parameters designed to build up other models of higher level within the library. Some of them cannot be used in an arbitrary way and require particular knowledge how to set the options in the parameter menu. Therefore, only advanced users should deal with contained classes.


 EigenvalueRecord containing a eigen value or a pair of conjugated complex pair, respectively and additionally characteristics of the eigenvalue(s)
 PolesAndZerosRecord containing poles and zeros of a system in two real vectors containing the real parts and the imaginary parts respctively
 StateSpaceRContinuous state space description of a linear, time invariant differential equation system (data + operations)
 AnalyseOptionsDefines the characteristics of the eigenvalues to be print or to be plot
 AnalyseOptions2Defines the characteristics of the eigenvalues to be print or to be plot
 DefaultDiagramPolesAndZerosDefault diagram for polesAndZeros plot
 DefaultDiagramBodePlotDefault diagram for Bode plot
 DefaultDiagramTimeResponseDefault diagram for a time response plot
 StateSpace2Continuous state space description of a linear, time invariant differential equation system (data + operations)
 PartialPlotFunctionInterface of a plot function
 PartialPlotFunctionMIMOInterface of a plot function for MIMO systems
 PartialAnalyzeFunctionPartial function to linearize a model and then perform operations on the linearized model
 partialReadStateSpaceMatrixRead the ABCD matrix of the state space form of a system from MAT file
 defaultColumnLabelsCompute default column labels for plot
 defaultImpulseResponseHeadingsCompute default headings for impulse response plot
 defaultInitialResponseHeadingsCompute default headings for initial response plot
 defaultRampResponseHeadingsCompute default headings for ramp response plot
 defaultStepResponseHeadingsCompute default headings for step response plot
 extractRealZerosExtract real and conjugate complex elements from a complex vector
 frequencyResponseCompute frequency response based on zeros and poles
 frequencyResponsePlotBode plot given f,A,phi values
 frequencyRangeBodeDetermine min. and max. frequencies for Bode plot
 frequencyRangeBode2Determine min. and max. frequencies for Bode plot (Zeros and Poles as Real matrix)
 frequencyRangeZerosDetermine min. and max. frequencies for a vector of zeros (numerator or denominator zeros)
 frequencyRangeZeros2Determine min. and max. frequencies for a vector of zeros (numerator or denominator zeros; provided as Real matrix)
 frequencyVectorDetermine frequency vector for Bode plot
 frequencyVector2Determine frequency vector for Bode plot (using Real matrices for zeros and poles)
 frequencyEvaluateEvaluate a SISO transfer function defined by Zeros and Poles matrices at a given complex value re + j*im
 frequencyResponseGainCompute gain of a frequency response (system must be a SISO system)
 toPolarFormTransform a vector of complex values defined as a real Zeros matrix to polar form
 numberOfRealZerosDetermine the number of elements of a Complex vector where the imaginary part is zero
 printComplexVectorPrint elements of vector of complex numbers
 reorderEigenvalueExtract real and conjugate complex elements from a complex vector as part of a record Eigenvalue
 reorderZerosExtract real and conjugate complex elements from a complex vector
 sortEigenvalueSort elements of Eigenvalue-record depending on the eigenvalues
 timeResponseMaskDeclares the common structure for the set of response functions
 timeResponseMask2Declares the common structure for the set of response functions
 timeResponseMask2_tfDeclares the common structure for the set of response functions
 timeResponseMask2_zpDeclares the common structure for the set of response functions
 timeResponseMask_tfDeclares the common structure for the set of response functions for a transfer function
 timeResponseMask_zpDeclares the common structure for the set of response functions for a zeros and poles transfer function
 timeResponseSamplesEstimate reasonable discretisation sample time and simulation time span for time response plot
 methodStringReturn a string with the name of the discretization method
 timeResponseMask_discreteDeclares the common structure for the set of response functions
 timeResponseMask_zp_discreteDeclares the common structure for the set of discrete response functions
 timeResponseMask_tf_discreteDeclares the common structure for the set of discrete response functions
 eigenValuesFromLinearizationReturn eigen values from a set of linearization data (assumes files dslinX.mat in current directory)
 printHTML_startPrint start of html file
 printHTML_endPrint end of html file
 complexFractionReturn z = n[1]*n[2]*...n[end]/(d[1]*d[2]*....*d[end])
 balanceABCReturn a balanced form of a system [A,B;C,0] to improve its condition by a state transformation (this function is provided in the trunk version of MSL and will be removed once Modelica_LinearSystems2 is based on the next MSL version)

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