partial function timeResponseMask
extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
input StateSpace sc;
input Real dt = 0 "Sample time [s]";
input Real tSpan = 0 "Simulation time span [s]";
input Integer toWindow[:, :] = fill(-1, size(sc.C, 1), size(sc.B, 2)) "-1/0/>0 plot in new window/last window/window ID";
input Boolean clearWindow[:, :] = fill(false, size(sc.C, 1), size(sc.B, 2)) "True, if previous window content is removed" annotation(
Dialog(enable = max(toWindow) >= 0));
input String heading[:, :] = fill("Time response", size(sc.C, 1), size(sc.B, 2)) "Heading of the response diagram";
input String columnLabels[size(sc.C, 1) + 1] = Modelica_LinearSystems2.Internal.defaultColumnLabels(size(sc.C, 1));
replaceable output Real y[:, size(sc.C, 1), size(sc.B, 2)] "Output response: (number of samples) x (number of outputs) x (number of inputs)";
output Real t[:] "Time vector: (number of samples)";
replaceable output Real x_continuous[:, size(sc.A, 1), size(sc.B, 2)] "State trajectories: (number of samples) x (number of states) x (number of inputs)";
end timeResponseMask;