Q = StateSpace.Analysis.controllabilityMatrix(ss, method)
This function calculates the controllability matrix
Q = [B, A*B, ..., A^(n-1)*B]
of the system corresponding to state space system
der(x) = A*x + B*u; y = C*x + D*u;
Modelica_LinearSystems2.StateSpace ss=Modelica_LinearSystems2.StateSpace( A=[1, 1, 1;0, 1, 1;0, 0, 1], B=[0; 0; 1], C=[0, 1, 0], D=[0]); Real Q[3,3]; algorithm Q := Modelica_LinearSystems2.StateSpace.Analysis.controllabilityMatrix(ss); // Q = [0, 1, 3; 0, 1, 2; 1, 1, 1]
encapsulated function controllabilityMatrix import Modelica_LinearSystems2.StateSpace; input StateSpace ss "State space system"; output Real cm[size(ss.B, 1), size(ss.A, 2)*size(ss.B, 2)] "Controllability matrix"; end controllabilityMatrix;