This package collects functions used for common analyses on a state space system represented by a StateSpace record.
Name | Description |
Perform a system analysis based on the poles and zeros of the system | |
Calculate the time response of a state space system | |
Calculate the impulse time response of a state space system | |
Calculate the step time response of a state space system | |
Calculate the ramp time response of a state space system | |
Calculate the time response of a state space system for given initial condition and zero inputs | |
Return numerator degree of the corresponding transfer function | |
Return denominator degree of the corresponding transfer function | |
Evaluate the corresponding transfer function at a given (complex) value of s | |
Calculate zeros and poles of the TransferFunction corresponding to a state space representation | |
Calculate the eigenvalues of a linear state space system and write them in a complex vector | |
Calculate the right eigenvectors of a linear state space system and write them columnwise in a matrix. Optionally, the eigenvalues are computed | |
Compute invariant zeros of linear state space system | |
Return steady state gain matrix K (for a stable system: K[i,j] = value of y[i] at infinite time for a step input of u[j]) | |
Check controllability of a state space system | |
Check observability of a state space system | |
Check stabilizability of a state space system | |
Check detectability of a state space system | |
Calculate the controllability matrix [B, A*B, ..., A^(n-1)*B] of a state space system | |
Calculate the observability matrix of a state space system | |
Perform a system analysis based on the poles and zeros of the system |