(Kc, Kf, sslqg) = StateSpace.lqg(ss, Q, R, V, W)
This function calculates matrices Kc and Kf for linear quadratic gaussian problem (LQG), i.e. the minimization of the expected value of a cost function in consideration of stochastically disturbed states and outputs of the system
der(x) = Ax + Bu + w y = Cx + Du + v
The noise w(t) and v(t) are supposed to be both white, Gaussian zero-mean, stationary stochastic processes with positive semidefinte covariance matrix W
E[w(t)*w'(tau)] = W*delta(t-tau)
and positive covariance matrix V
E[v(t)*v'(tau)] = V*delta(t-tau).
E[s] denotes the expected value of a signal s.
The LQG approach combines the deterministic LQR approach and Kalman filter principle to estimate stochastically disturbed systems, such that input u(t) is given by
u(t) = -Kcx̂(t)
where Kc is a lqr feedback matrix and x̂(t) the reconstructed state vector estimated by a Kalman filter.
Since, the considered problem is stochastic, the objective function to minimize is an expected value
1 T J = lim ---- E[Integral (x'*Q*x + u'*R*u)dt], (T->inf) 2T -T
where the weighting matrices Q and R are, respectively, symmetric positive semidefinite and positive definite.
The feedback matrix Kc is calculated by
Kc = R-1*B'*Xc,
where Xc satisfying the continuous-time algebraic Riccati equation (care)
Q + A'*Xc + Xc*A - Xc*B*R-1*B'*Xc = 0.
The matrix Kf of the filter problem to generate the estimated state vector x̂(t) is given by
Kf = Xf*CT*V-1,
where Xf is satisfying the continuous-time algebraic Riccati equation
W + A*Xf + Xf*A' - Xf*C'*V-1*C*Xf = 0.
The vector x̂(t) satisfies the differential equation
x̂̇(t) = (A - KfC)x̂(t) + (B - KfD)u(t) + Kfy(t)
Combining the equation state feedback and state estimation, the state vector x(t) and the estimated state vector x̂(t) are given by
| ẋ | | A −BKc | | x | | I 0 | | w | | x | = | | | | + | | | | | x̂̇ | | KfC A − BKc − KfC | | x̂ | | 0 Kf | | v | .
Finally, the output sslqg represents the estimated system with y(t), the output of the real system, as the input
x̂̇ = [A - KfC - BKc + KfDKc]*x̂ + Kf*y
ŷ = [C - DKc] x̂
StateSpace ss=StateSpace( A=[-0.02, 0.005, 2.4, -32; -0.14, 0.44, -1.3, -30; 0, 0.018, -1.6, 1.2; 0, 0, 1, 0], B=[0.14, -0.12; 0.36, -8.6; 0.35, 0.009; 0, 0], C=[0, 1, 0, 0; 0, 0, 0, 57.3], D=[0,0; 0,0]); Real Q[:,:] = transpose(ss.C)*ss.C " state weighting matrix"; Real R[:,:] = identity(2) " input weighting matrix"; Real V[:,:] = identity(2) " covariance output noise matrix"; Real W[:,:] = ss.B*transpose(ss.B) " covariance state noise matrix"; Real Kc[size(ss.B, 2),size(ss.A, 1)] "Controller feedback gain matrix"; Real Kf[size(ss.A, 1),size(ss.C, 1)] "Kalman feedback gain matrix"; algorithm (Kc, Kf) := StateSpace.Design.lqg(ss, Q, R, V, W); // Kc = [-0.0033, 0.04719, 14.6421, 60.8894; 0.0171, -1.05154, 0.29273, 3.2468] // Kf = [0.015, -0.2405; 9.066, -0.1761; 0.009, 0.2289; -0.003, 0.08934]
encapsulated function lqg import Modelica; import Modelica_LinearSystems2; import Modelica_LinearSystems2.StateSpace; import Modelica_LinearSystems2.Math; input StateSpace ss "Open loop system in state space form"; input Real Q[size(ss.A, 1), size(ss.A, 2)] = identity(size(ss.A, 1)) "State weighting matrix"; input Real R[size(ss.B, 2), size(ss.B, 2)] = identity(size(ss.B, 2)) "Input weighting matrix"; input Real V[size(ss.C, 1), size(ss.C, 1)] = identity(size(ss.C, 1)) "Covariance output noise matrix"; input Real W[size(ss.A, 1), size(ss.A, 1)] = identity(size(ss.A, 1)) "Covariance state noise matrix"; input Boolean iscontinuousSystem = true "True, if state space system is continuous"; output Real Kc[size(ss.B, 2), size(ss.A, 1)] "Controller feedback gain matrix"; output Real Kf[size(ss.A, 1), size(ss.C, 1)] "Kalman feedback gain matrix"; output StateSpace sslqg(redeclare Real A[size(ss.A, 1), size(ss.A, 2)], redeclare Real B[size(ss.B, 1), size(ss.C, 1)], redeclare Real C[size(ss.C, 1), size(ss.C, 2)], redeclare Real D[size(ss.C, 1), size(ss.C, 1)]) "Closed loop system"; end lqg;
Date | Author | Comment |
2010-05-31 | Marcus Baur, DLR-RM | Realization |