Plot.parameterizedCurves(diagram, device)
This function plots a set of parametrized curves that depend on the same path parameter s in one window. The set of parameterized curves is defined by:
s = s[i] // Vector of s-values X = X[j,i] // X=X(s), where s[i] is the s-value and j is the s-branch of the x-value Y = Y[j,i] // Y=Y(s), where s[i] is the s-value and j is the s-branch of the y-value
Execute function Examples.plotParameterizedCurve1 that is defined as parameterized sine and cosine-functions:
s = linspace(0, Modelica.Units.Conversions.from_deg(300), 100); for i in 1:nPoints loop X[1, i] := cos(s[i]); Y[1, i] := sin(s[i]); X[2, i] := X[1, i] - 0.5; Y[2, i] := Y[1, i]; end for; Plot.parameterizedCurves(diagram= Plot.Records.ParametrizedCurves( X=X, Y=Y, s=s));
This yields the following diagram (the menu on the right lower part is displayed when moving the cursor on one curve point; then all points belonging to the same path parameter value are marked with a red square):
function parameterizedCurves extends Modelica.Icons.Function; import Modelica_LinearSystems2; import Modelica_LinearSystems2.Utilities.Plot.Internal; input Modelica_LinearSystems2.Utilities.Plot.Records.ParametrizedCurves diagram "Parametrized curve data points" annotation( Dialog); input Modelica_LinearSystems2.Utilities.Plot.Records.Device device = Modelica_LinearSystems2.Utilities.Plot.Records.Device() "Properties of device where figure is shown" annotation( Dialog); end parameterizedCurves;