function wrapper_zgetri input Real LU_real[:, :] "LU factorization of zgetrf of a square matrix, real part"; input Real LU_imag[size(LU_real, 1), size(LU_real, 2)] "LU factorization of zgetrf of a square matrix, imaginary part"; input Integer pivots[size(LU_real, 1)] "Pivot vector of zgetrf"; output Real inv_real[size(LU_real, 1), size(LU_real, 2)] = LU_real "Inverse of matrix P*L*U, real part"; output Real inv_imag[size(LU_real, 1), size(LU_real, 2)] = LU_imag "Inverse of matrix P*L*U, imaginary part"; output Integer info; end wrapper_zgetri;