This package contains classes such as:
Name | Description |
Plot root loci of nonlinear Modelica model by linearizing the model for variations of one model parameter | |
Plot root loci of nonlinear Modelica model by linearizing the model for variations of one model parameter | |
Calculate eigenvalues of matrix A and plot root locus | |
Discrete zeros and poles description of a single input, single output system (data + operations) | |
Discrete transfer function description of a single input, single output system (data + operations) | |
Discrete state space description of a linear, time invariant difference equation system (data + operations) | |
Icons used in the Linear Systems library | |
State space functions | |
Package of transfer functions in progress | |
Package of zeros and poles descriptions of transfer functions in progress | |
Functions to test the LinearSystems functions | |
Package of math functions in progress | |
Package of internal utilities (for advanced users only) | |
Old implementations, kept for comparison, if bugs occur in the future | |
Return poles and zeros of an A,B,C,D system as Real matrix |