

This package contains classes such as:


plotRootLociPlot root loci of nonlinear Modelica model by linearizing the model for variations of one model parameter
plotRootLociNoLoopPlot root loci of nonlinear Modelica model by linearizing the model for variations of one model parameter
plotEigenvaluesCalculate eigenvalues of matrix A and plot root locus
DiscreteZerosAndPolesDiscrete zeros and poles description of a single input, single output system (data + operations)
DiscreteTransferFunctionDiscrete transfer function description of a single input, single output system (data + operations)
DiscreteStateSpaceDiscrete state space description of a linear, time invariant difference equation system (data + operations)
IconsIcons used in the Linear Systems library
StateSpaceState space functions
TransferFunctionPackage of transfer functions in progress
ZerosAndPolesPackage of zeros and poles descriptions of transfer functions in progress
TestsFunctions to test the LinearSystems functions
MathPackage of math functions in progress
InternalPackage of internal utilities (for advanced users only)
OldOld implementations, kept for comparison, if bugs occur in the future
polesAndZerosAsRealMatrixReturn poles and zeros of an A,B,C,D system as Real matrix

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