This example shows the computation of the poles and zeros of state space system.
function analysisZerosAndPoles import Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print; import Modelica.ComplexMath.j; import Modelica_LinearSystems2.StateSpace; import Modelica_LinearSystems2.ZerosAndPoles; input Complex z[:] = {-2 + 0*j, -3 + 4*j, -3 - 4*j} "Zeros (Complex vector of numerator zeros)"; input Complex p[:] = {-0.5 + 0*j, -5 + 2*j, -5 - 2*j} "Poles (Complex vector of denominator zeros)"; input Real k = 1.0 "Constant multiplied with transfer function"; end analysisZerosAndPoles;