function plotEigenvalues
import DymolaCommands.Plot;
input Real A[:, size(A, 1)] = [2, 1, 1; 1, 1, 1; 1, 2, 2] "Square matrix";
input Boolean removePrevious = true "True, if all previous plots should be deleted" annotation(
Dialog(group = "Plot settings"));
input Integer position[4] = {5, 5, 600, 450} "Window Position" annotation(
Dialog(group = "Plot settings"));
input String heading = "Root locii" "Heading of plot" annotation(
Dialog(group = "Plot settings"));
input Boolean useLegend = true "Use legend" annotation(
Dialog(group = "Plot settings"));
input String legend = "Eigenvalues" "Legend of plot" annotation(
Dialog(group = "Plot settings", enable = useLegend));
input Boolean grid = false "Add grid" annotation(
Dialog(group = "Plot settings"));
input MarkerStyle markerStyle = MarkerStyle.Cross "Style of marker" annotation(
Dialog(group = "Plot settings"));
input Integer markerColor[3] = {0, 0, 255} "Color of marker" annotation(
Dialog(group = "Plot settings", colorSelector = true));
output Real eigenvalues[size(A, 1), 2] "Eigenvalues of matrix A (Re: first column, Im: second column)";
end plotEigenvalues;