
Continuous zeros and poles description of a single input, single output system (data + operations)


This record defines a transfer function by its zeros, poles and a gain:

         product(p - z[i])
  y = k*------------------- * u
         product(p - n[i])

where z[:] is a Complex vector of zeros, n[:] is a Complex vector of poles and k is an additional multiplicative factor. The elements of the two Complex vectors must either be real numbers or conjugate complex pairs (in order that their product results in a polynomial with Real coefficients).

In the record, the zeros and poles are transformed into a product of first and second order polynomials. The data structure is especially useful in applications where first and second order polynomials are naturally occurring, e.g., as for filters. In fact, via function ZerosAndPoles.Design.filter, a ZeroAndPole transfer function is generated from low and high pass analog filters (CriticalDamping, Bessel, Butterworth, Chebyshev). The filters are available in normalized (default) and non-normalized form. In the normalized form, the amplitude of the filter transfer function at the cutoff frequency is 3 dB.

A ZeroAndPole transfer function is internally stored by the coefficients of first and second order polynomials, and by an additional multiplicative factor k:

         product(p + n1[i]) * product(p^2 + n2[i,1]*p + n2[i,2])
  y = k*---------------------------------------------------------
         product(p + d1[i]) * product(p^2 + d2[i,1]*p + d2[i,2])

Note, the degrees of the numerator and denominator polynomials are given as:

   degree of numerator   = size(n1,1) + 2*size(n2,1);
   degree of denominator = size(d1,1) + 2*size(d2,1);


  zp = 4* -------------------------------------
           (p - 1)*(p - (2+j*3))*(p - (2-j*3))

with j=sqrt(-1), is defined as

   import Complex;
   import Modelica_LinearSystems2.ZerosAndPoles;

   zp = ZerosAndPoles(z = {Complex(-1,0)},
                      p = {Complex(1,0),


 'constructor'Collection of operators to construct a ZerosAndPoles data record
 '-'Collection of operators for subtraction of zeros and poles descriptions
 '+'Addition of two zeros and poles descriptions zp1 + zp2, i.e. parallel connection of two transfer functions (= inputs are the same, outputs of the two systems are added)
 '*'Multiply two zeros and poles descriptions (zp1 * zp2)
 '/'Divide two zeros and poles descriptions (zp1 / zp2)
 '^'Integer power of zeros and poles description (zp^k)
 '=='Check whether two zeros and poles descriptions are identical
 'String'Transform zeros and poles description into a String representation
 pGenerate the transfer function p
 AnalysisPackage of functions to analyse zeros-and-poles description represented by a ZerosAndPoles record
 DesignPackage of functions to design zeros-and-poles controllers and observers
 PlotPackage of functions to plot zeros and poles description responses
 ConversionPackage of functions for conversion of ZerosAndPoles data record
 ImportPackage of functions to generate a ZerosAndPoles data record from imported data
 InternalPackage of internal material of record ZerosAndPoles (for advanced users only)

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