Name | Description |
Compound | Compund , data that may be used to identify a compound |
FlashProperties | |
Phases | Definition and additional information of supported phases |
Inputs | Input type |
SatInputs | Input type |
checkPhaseNames | Check phaseNames so they are included in phaseList |
compoundsIndex | returns position of compound in X array, -1 if not present |
createPhaseFractionVector | Create a phase fraction vector, unset phase element are distributed evenly so sum(phaseVector) = 1 |
createPhaseSubstanceVector | Create a phase substance vector, unset phase element are set to 0 |
createPresentPhaseVector | Create a present phase vector, a vector with phase index corresponding to phaseId |
getPhaseIndex | returns position of phase in phaseList array, -1 if not present |
massToMoleFractions | Compute mole fraction vector from mass fraction vector |
moleToMassFractions | Compute mass fractions vector from mole fractions and molar masses |
ActivityCoefficient | Activity coefficient |
BaseMultiPhaseProperties | |
BaseProperties | |
CriticalProperties | Critical properties |
Fugacity | |
Properties | |
MultiPhaseProperties | |
SatPhaseEquilibriumProperties | |
ThermoProperties | Base properties (p, d, T, h, u, X) of a medium |