

Dry air mixture model consisting of nitrogen, oxygen and argon. This model is based on work by [1] but has been rewritten to the new media structure.


It is a three component model (nitrogen,oxygen,argon) were the phase equilibria conditions are described by the Rachford-Rice equation (Lämås, 2012) using a declarative approach.  The equations are solved by the tool’s non-linear solver.

The vapor phase is described by an ideal gas volumetric equation of state, a linear polynomial for the heat capacity and polynomials adapted to experiment data of the fugacities. The liquid phase uses an incompressible assumption where density and specific heat capacity are constant and activity coefficients have been adapted to experimental data.


[1] Yasaman Mirsadraee. Dynamic modeling and simulation of a cryogenic air separation plant, Msc Thesis, Linköping, Sweden, 2012

[2] Hans Lämås, Algorithms for Multi-component Phase Equilibrium Models in Modelica, MSc Thesis, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden, 2012.


 molarMass_zMolar weight of mixture

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