This is the random number generator "DIRCS Immediate Random with Continuous Seed". It uses the time to seed a conventional sampled random number generator and does a number of discrete steps with this generator. The seeding function Seed and the random number generator RNG can be specified modularly.
function RNG_DIRCS extends Noise.Utilities.Interfaces.SampleFreeRNG; replaceable function Seed = Noise.Seed.Seed_Real constrainedby Noise.Utilities.Interfaces.Seed "The seeding function to be used" annotation( choicesAllMatching = true, Dialog, Documentation(revisions = "<html> <p><img src=\"modelica://Noise/Resources/Images/dlr_logo.png\"/> <b>Developed 2014 at the DLR Institute of System Dynamics and Control</b> </p> </html>", info = "<html> <p>This replaceable function is used to seed the RNG used in the DIRCS algorithm. You can redeclare any function from here: <a href=\"Noise.Seed\">Noise.Seed</a>.</p> </html>")); replaceable function RNG = Noise.RNG.SampleBased.RNG_MRG(a = {134775813, 134775813}, c = 1) constrainedby Noise.Utilities.Interfaces.RNG "The random number generator function to be used" annotation( choicesAllMatching = true, Dialog, Documentation(revisions = "<html> <p><img src=\"modelica://Noise/Resources/Images/dlr_logo.png\"/> <b>Developed 2014 at the DLR Institute of System Dynamics and Control</b> </p> </html>", info = "<html> <p>This replaceable RNG function is used in the DIRCS algorithm. You can redeclare any SampleBased RNG from here: <a href=\"Noise.RNG.SampleBased\">Noise.RNG.SampleBased</a>.</p> </html>")); input Integer k = 1 "The number of RNG iterations to apply to the seed"; end RNG_DIRCS;
Name | Description |
Seed | The seeding function to be used |
RNG | The random number generator function to be used |
Developed 2014 at the DLR Institute of System Dynamics and Control