Main components for physiological fluid modeling.
Name | Description |
Conductor | Hydraulic resistor, where conductance=1/resistance |
Resistor | Hydraulic resistor |
ElasticVessel | Elastic compartment as chemical solution envelop |
ElasticVesselElastance | Elastic compartment as chemical solution envelop |
HydrostaticColumn | Hydrostatic column pressure between two connectors (with specific muscle pump effect) |
Inertia | Inertia of the volumetric flow |
IdealValve | Ideal valve |
IdealValveResistance | Ideal valve |
MassPump | Prescribed mass flow |
VolumePump | Prescribed mass flow |
Reabsorption | Divide inflow to outflow and reabsorption |
BodyFluidMembrane | Membrane for BodyFluid medium |