Adding new substance to blood model:
- add to Blood.substanceNames
- modify {plasma/formedElements}{MassFraction+SpecificAmountOfParticles}
- modify functions: Blood.specificEnthalpies_Tpv
- modify model: Blood.ArterialComposition, run it and resuled X set as ArterialDefault (and from VenousComposition -> VenousDefault)
- modify model: Blood.ChemicalSolution,
Name | Description |
Blood plasmacrit [kg/kg] | |
Amount of free particles in 1 kg of blood plasma | |
Blood hematocrit [kg/kg] | |
Amount of free particles in 1 kg of blood formed elements | |
To set mass fractions in blood | |
To set mass fractions in blood | |
Blood chemical substances interface | |
A selection of variables that uniquely defines the thermodynamic state | |
Substances model to translate data into substance properties | |
Free chemical substances | |
Hydrogen Ion, Carbon Dioxide, and Oxygen in the Blood | |
Base properties of medium | |
Specific enthalpies of blood substances | |
Return specific enthalpy | |
Hemoglobin dissociation curve as saturation of O2 and CO2 on hemoglobin (excluded methemoglobin) | |
Derivative of Hemoglobin dissociation curve as saturation of O2 and CO2 on hemoglobin (excluded methemoglobin) | |
Thermodynamic state | |
Thermodynamic state | |
Density | |
Density of blood plasma | |
Specific heat capacityReturn specific heat capacity at constant pressure | |
Temperature | |
Pressure | |
Total oxygen in blood | |
Oxygen saturation on effective hemoglobin | |
Total carbon dioxide in blood | |
Total carbon monoxide in blood | |
Total hemoglobine in blood | |
Methemoglobine fraction | |
Foetalhemoglobine fraction | |
Total hemoglobine in erythrocytes | |
Total albumine in blood plasma | |
Total globulin in blood plasma [g/L] | |
Total anorganic phosphates in blood plasma | |
Total diphosphoglycerate in erythrocytes | |
Strong ion difference of blood | |
Total glucose in blood plasma | |
Total lactate in blood plasma | |
Total urea in blood plasma | |
Total amino acids in blood plasma | |
Total faty acids in blood plasma | |
Total ketoacids in blood plasma | |
Epinephrine in blood plasma | |
Norepinephrine in blood plasma | |
Vasopressin in blood plasma | |
Insulin in blood plasma | |
Glucagon in blood plasma | |
Thyrotropin in blood plasma | |
Thyroxine in blood plasma | |
Leptin in blood plasma | |
Desglymidodrine in blood plasma | |
Angiotensin2 in blood plasma | |
Alpha blockers effect | |
Beta blockers effect | |
Anesthesia vascular conductance effect | |
Aldosterone in blood plasma | |
Renin PRA in blood plasma | |
Blood plasmacrit [mL/mL] | |
Blood hematocrit [mL/mL] | |
Density of blood formed elements (erythrocytes, leukocytes and thrombocytes) | |
Blood hematocrit without unknown substances in formed elements [kg/kg] | |
Blood plasmacrit without unknown substances in blood plasma [kg/kg] |