Package Physiolibrary is a modelica package for Human Physiology that is developed from HumMod modelica implementation, see It provides constants, types, connectors, partial models and model components fitted for physiological models of human body.
This is a short User's Guide for the overall library. Some of the main sublibraries have their own User's Guides that can be accessed by the following links:
Library of hydraulic domain. For modeling of cardiovascular system. |
Library of termoregulation support. As extension of Modelica.Thermal.HeatTransfer. |
Library for population models such as predator-prey or cells population. |
Icons |
Physiological types. Physiological unit vs. SI units, nominals, inputs/outputs, typed constants. |
Useful blocks, that are missing in package Modelica.Blocks (MSL 3.2), cubic interpolation curves, multiplication factors. |
Name | Description |
Overview of Physiolibrary | |
Connectors | |
Release notes | |
Contact | |
BSD 3-Clause License | |
Publishing new release |