The small parameters epsR and epsG are given in dimensionless units. This allows to work with deault values also in cases where the exact semiconductor data are missing. A resonable (approximate) value for Z_nom is needed for scaling.
epsR = (dV/dI)/Z_nom at I_nom Z_nom = V_nom/I_nom
Thermal losses are proportional to the forward drop voltage V, which may depend on temperature.
The temperature dependence is given by
V(T) = Vf*(1 + cT[1]*(T - T0) + cT[2]*(T - T0)^2 + ...)where Vf denotes the parameter value. With input cT empty, no temperature dependence of losses is calculated.
The switching losses are approximated by
h = hSw_nom*v*i/S_nom, S_nom = V_nom*I_nomwhere q denotes the dissipated heat per switching operation at nominal voltage and current, averaged over 'on' and 'off'.