

The Modelica PowerSystems library is intended for the modeling of electrical power systems at different levels of detail both in transient and steady-state mode.

The Users Guide to the library is here.

Copyright © 2007-2018, Modelica Association.

Copyright © 2004-2008, H.J. Wiesmann († 2015).

This Modelica package is Open Source software; it can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms of the Modelica license, version 2.0, see the license conditions and the accompanying disclaimer here.

This work was in parts supported by the ITEA2 MODRIO project by funding of BMBF under contract number ITEA 2 - 11004. Work on the predecessor PowerFlow library was in parts supported by the ITEA2 EUROSYSLIB project by funding of BMBF under contract number ITEA 2 - 06020. Work on the predecessor Spot library was in parts supported by the RealSim project by funding of the IST Programme, Contract No. IST-1999-11979.


UsersGuideUser's Guide
SystemSystem reference
PackagePhaseSystemDefault phase system
PhaseSystemsPhase systems used in power connectors
GenericSimple components for basic investigations
 AC1ph_DCAC 1-phase and DC components from Spot AC1ph_DC
AC3phAC three phase components from Spot ACdq0
CommonCommon components
ControlControl blocks
MechanicsMechanical components
UtilitiesBasic utilities

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