

RealTimeCoordinationLibrary is a free Modelica package providing components to model real-time, reactive, hybrid and, asynchronous communicating systems in a convenient way with statecharts.

For an introduction, have especially a look at:

For an application example have a look at: BeBotSystem

Licensed under the Modelica License 2

This Modelica package is free software and the use is completely at your own risk; it can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms of the Modelica license 2, see the license conditions (including the disclaimer of warranty) here or at http://www.Modelica.org/licenses/ModelicaLicense2.


UsersGuideUser's Guide
 ExamplesExamples to demonstrate the usage of the Real-Time Coordination library
TransitionTransition between steps (optionally with delayed transition and/or condition input port and/or synchronization and/or receiver connector of asynchronous communication)
 SelfTransitionSelfTransition of a step (optionally with delayed transition and/or condition input port and/or synchronization and/or receiver connector of asynchronous communication)
 StepStep from StateGraph2 with Helper Variable wasActive. This allows tracing activated Steps.
 MessageDefines a message type and sends a message instance on Boolean input signal.
 MailboxReceives and stores message instances in a FIFO queue.
 TimeElementsComponents for defining clocks, time constraints and invariants.
 MessageInterfaceConnectors for asynchronous communication.
 InternalInternal utility models (should usually not be used by user)


Name: RealTimeCoordinationLibrary

Path: RealTimeCoordinationLibrary

Version: 1.0.2, 2013-04-04, build 1 (2013-04-04)

Uses:Modelica (version="3.2"), RealTimeCoordinationLibrary (version="1.0.2"), Modelica_StateGraph2 (version="2.0.1")

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